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peru travel - Cusco peru travel - Humantay Lake peru travel - Soraypampa trek cloud forest peru travel - Wiñayhuayna peru travel - Llactapata peru travel - Sisaypampa to Huayllabamba peru travel - Pampa Japonesa - Sisaypampa peru travel - Cloud Forest peru travel - Lucmabamba Sky Lodges peru travel - Machu Picchu


7 days / 6 nights

Group size

2 / 16

Activity level

Moderate / Challenging


This Salkantay trek is a spectacular experience that connects you with Machu Picchu. You will marvel at the natural beauty composed of glaciers, imposing mountains and the serene Humantay lagoon, surrounded by lush vegetation. This hike stands out as one of the most beautiful you will experience. Life Adventures offers an experiential journey, an authentic connection with nature. We move away from conventional paths and immerse ourselves in an immersive cultural environment, leaving superficial tourist activities behind. Allow yourself a break under the starry sky, where you can marvel at the elegant beauty of Salkantay Peak. Share the customs and culture of local Andean families, who have maintained their centuries-old traditions. During this journey, you will be challenged as you walk through nine different biological zones, facing changes in altitude and varied terrain. Enjoy the comfort we offer in our service, with innovative cuisine and the warm hospitality of our team, which will help you relax both mind and body. We will cross the highest snow-capped mountain in the Vilcabamba mountain range until we reach Llactapata, located behind the majestic mountain of Machu Picchu. This journey will finally take us to Aguas Calientes, at the foot of the Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. We will conclude this unique adventure, allowing us to connect deeply with nature, culture and history.


Very early we left Cusco. After a 3-hour journey from Cusco we arrived at Mollepata. After a light breakfast we continued the trip in our transport to Challacancha, where we will meet our muleteer and horses and then begin the walk, until we reach our Soraypampa camp, then After lunch we will ascend to visit the beautiful Humantay lagoon. After the visit, we will descend again towards Soraypampa until we reach our first camp, where we will have dinner and spend the first night.

About our Lodge del Cielo base in Soraypampa: Our camp is located 10 minutes walk from the town of Soraypampa, which gives us a great advantage of having a 360° panoramic view of the Humantay lagoon is also a perfect place to appreciate the beauty and landscape of the Andean valley and enjoy the company of our beautiful alpacas.


We will begin the second day with a walk to Salkantaypampa, where we will observe the majestic mountains of Salkantay and Humantay. We will continue the uphill walk to our lunch point and camp in the Japanese pampas located on the slopes of the Salkantay mountain. After lunch we will continue visiting the Salkantay lagoon (20 min), considered one of the most beautiful glaciers in its splendor, and then we will return. towards our camp where tea time and dinner will await us.

Our camp is located in the lower part or salkantaypampa of the snowy Salkantay range with an elevation of 4,150 meters / 13,615 feet.

This day is not easy, but you will enjoy the beauty of the snow-capped peaks and representative fauna of the place all the time, with the explanations of your tour guide. A local man can do this trail in just 3 hours. But we will do it in approximately 9 hours. including lunch time.


This will be the most challenging day of the hike. The climb to Abra takes a while 1 to 2 hours, and is quite steep with tight curves and firm slopes until the rock structure of the Abra finally comes to light where we will be for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Although the path is narrow and steep, anyone who is physically well and acclimatized to the altitude can reach the mountain pass.

Once we have crossed the pass, it is the beginning of the descending walk passing through landscapes typical of the area to our camp (lunch point) where we spend the night and appreciate the Andean landscape.


After our breakfast we will descend for 4 hours along the Inca canal that will take us to the archaeological center of Paucarcancha. Appreciating the cloud forest we will continue the walk and then visit the archaeological site called Paucarcancha, then you will enter the Cusichaca valley, where you will enjoy lunch and meet with the support staff (porters), we will continue towards Wayllabamba 30 minutes and then head towards our camp in Ayapata (2 hrs walk) once there, we will camp and enjoy tea time and dinner.


Around 5:00 - 5:30 am, breakfast will be ready; Today we will begin our walk ascending towards the highest pass called Abra Warmi Huañusca, also known as the Dead Woman's Pass at 4200 meters above sea level. From this place the descent will begin towards the Pacaymayo camp (3550 meters).

When we go down from the pass we can see many hummingbirds and other birds. In addition, we will have time to appreciate an incredible variety of native plants such as Polylepis or Queñua trees that grow in the amazing cloud forest located at 3650 meters.
We will arrive at the Pacaymayo camp; where we will rest and enjoy a delicious lunch.

Day 6: Chaquicocha - Phuyupatamarca- Wiñayhuayna.

After breakfast around 6 a.m. and we will begin the day with a gentle climb to visit the archaeological site of Phuyupatamarca (which means Town in the Clouds). Afterwards we will reach the third highest point on the road (at 3680 meters). From this place you can have impressive views of the mountains and canyons, the surroundings are spectacular. The Inca site, Phuyupatamarca, is located a few minutes walk from the third pass, after visiting this, we will continue walking through the cloud forest. We will arrive at our third camp Wiñaywayna (2680 meters). Today we will walk for approximately 4 to 5 hours and arrive at the camp at lunch time! This camp is the Inca site with the same name, Wiñaywayna (Forever Young). Here you can see the archaeological center of Wiñayhuayna where we can spend the afternoon and enjoy tea time and dinner. Even if you are tired after the hike; Don't miss out on visiting the most impressive sites along the way.

Day 7: Wiñayhuayna – Machu Picchu – Cusco.

Around 3:00 am, it is time to get up, have breakfast and start day 7 along the Inca trail to arrive at Machu Picchu on time. This is the final part of your journey; We will leave at 5:30 a.m. to reach Inti Punku or Puerta de Sol. At that point, the majestic Citadel of Machu Picchu is in front of us with its great beauty, an incredible view for everyone. The reality of what the Inca people must have encountered on their grueling journey to this expansive temple of Machu Picchu. At this point, we walk downhill towards the citadel of Machu Picchu. (2400m / 7872 ft.) After walking 40 minutes, we entered the citadel from the top through the "House of the Guardians". From there, we will proceed to the checkpoint where we check in and drop off our belongings. Your guide will take you through the amazing ruins and their main streets. You can stroll through the city squares and climb the intricately carved stairs made of stone. Machu Picchu is considered the spiritual center of the world by esoteric wisdom. Once the guided tour is over, we will head towards Aguas Calientes by bus to be able to go to the return train station.

Return to Cusco: You will descend to the city of Machu Picchu and then board the Expedition train before 4:22 pm to the Ollantaytambo train station, where you will meet our private transportation and be transferred to your hotel in Cusco arriving around 8:30pm.
Does not include


$ 1199.00 USD (CLASSIC)

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Inca Trail to Machu Picchu